Get Your Minerals by Eating Almonds and Brazil Nuts: Calcium, Magnesium, and Selenium

When was the last time your doctor told you to get your minerals by eating raw almonds and brazil-nuts? What he most likely told you do to is go the the vitamin store and get a “good” Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc complex. The problem with trying to get your minerals through supplementation is that we can not mimic nature and supplements are often poorly absorbed. Supplements are also expensive!

The number one mineral deficiency found in athletes and patients in the United States is Magnesium. Magnesium has over 300 functions in the body so achieving optimal health when you are Magnesium deficient is not possible. The same can be said for calcium. So where is the best place to get minerals in your diet? The answer is raw almonds and brazil nuts.

There are many websites out there for you to look at the nutritional content of any food.


Most doctors will tell you to take 400-800mg of magnesium per day. Look at the amount of calcium and magnesium (in the perfect ratio) in a cup of almonds!


Between these two nuts you will all the minerals you need and can ditch the Cal-Mg-Zinc supplements you take everyday. In addition, almonds are a great source of protein and has a 1:1 ratio of protein to carbohydrates.

I eat a handful of raw almonds every day, use Blue Diamond Almond Milk to make my protein shakes and use almond butter when I am in the mood! So the next time you go to purchase a man-made supplement, think about what foods contain the highest amounts and try and get it in your diet.

If you would like to schedule a consult with Dr. Sean Breen simply give us a call at 877-721-0047 and visit us online at