Bredesen Protocol

Alzheimer’s, a brain disorder resulting in gradual cognitive decline, is a global health threat today. While mainstream medicine leads us to believe there is no opportunity for prevention or is irreversible, we’re here to challenge this misconception.

Dr. Breen is a Certified Physician in the Bredesen Protocol, equipped with the knowledge and skillset to support patients in recovery and prevention of Alzheimer’s.

What is The Bredesen Protocol?

The Bredesen Protocol was developed and extensively researched by Dr. Dale Bredesen. The objective of this protocol is to remove stimuli that lead to cognitive decline, optimize health support, and rebuild the neural network through a process of PreCODE, for prevention, and ReCODE, for reversal.

 How it Works

The protocol begins with simple blood tests and an online cognitive assessment. Results of both will be used to develop a personalized treatment plan for optimal brain health through seven foundational strategies, each having the ability to promote brain healing and the growth of new neurons and synaptic connections in response to stimuli, and when practiced together, create synergistic results.

The seven foundational strategies encompass nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, brain stimulation, detox, and supplementation, all requiring a mindful approach to better practice the protocol more successfully and specifically individualized by Dr. Breen.

If you or a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s or simply wants to take preventative measures, take the first step and schedule a consultation to have a detailed discussion.

Call us today to get started!

 877 .721 .0047

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