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The use of advanced body composition analysis within our practice increases our ability to identify and support patients to meet their goals, and monitor their progress along the way. We use InBody technology and conveniently have their non-invasive products in our clinic.

In minutes, the In-Body analyzes body composition and caloric needs in a very precise manner. It provides individualized, scientific recommendations to help you reach your optimal fat to muscle ratio, etc. Our program patients can use this technology in our office anytime, and take home printed results for their records.

The InBody technology and our approach helps evaluate your progress, determine next steps and refine your plans and commitments. We co-create adjustments, as necessary, to yield more significant results. This makes it easier and faster to meet your desired outcomes.

Body composition analysis is a method to determine what your body is made of – the amount of fat, muscle, bone and water. Measuring your body in this way helps us recommend goals that are unique and personalized to you. No two bodies are the same, and there are several factors to consider when setting goals and monitoring progress. Using this method of analysis to monitor and drive your progress helps optimize your health and wellness far beyond the old paradigm of how much weight is lost or gained.

Actually, we don’t subscribe to the historical paradigm whatsoever, and you’ll see this exhibited in many areas in our practice.

This method eradicates any assumptions that can be made about weight loss or gain. Instead, it allows you to see a clear picture of what’s actually occurring in your body. With advanced body composition analysis, we’re able to determine what any change in your weight means – whether it’s loss of fat, gain of muscle, etc.

This helps us focus on “healthy” and not on outdated, historical or social paradigms that can actually do harm. It’s important for the long-term to strive for a healthy fat and muscle balance.

Using advanced body composition analysis as our method of measurement in our programs is yet another functional tool we use to ensure you meet your personalized goals, and achieve optimal health. Learn more about the InBody machines we use here.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you at 877.721.0047

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