The P-Shot is successfully used in our Men’s Clinic as an alternative treatment to treat male sexual health issues and improve sexual function.

The P-Shot uses PRP therapy methodology for:

  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

  • Peyronie’s Disease (Penile Curvature)

  • Penile Enhancement

  • Performance Enhancement

  • Improved Overall Sexual Function

Benefits include:

  • Increased blood flow & circulation

  • Stronger, more intense orgasms

  • Improvement in nerve sensations

  • Increased penile sensitivity

  • Cellular and tissue repair responses

  • Increased confidence

  • Higher stamina

  • Increase in width and girth of penis

  • Increased libido

PRP therapy uses platelets from your own blood. These components are extracted while in the clinic and concentrated amounts are injected into areas of your body. This stimulates healing, muscle recovery and more.

As a safe and effective treatment, we provide the P-Shot in our Clinic. It is a form of PRP to men who are looking to enhance their overall sexual health and address other personal needs. Recovery is quick, and you can return to work and normal activities immediately.


What can I expect at my P-Shot Appointment?

It is an outpatient procedure, and there are no specific preparation requirements.

You will apply a numbing cream to your penis and may be given an anesthetic to numb the surrounding genital area. Oftentimes, we’ll have you pick up a prescription for the numbing cream at your local pharmacy in advance. That way, you can apply it prior to your arrival at our office to ensure enough time has passed to thoroughly numb the entire genital area. We want you to be as comfortable as possible with any of our procedures.

A small amount of blood will be taken from your arm. Your blood will be placed in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components. The PRP will be extracted and injected into the penile shaft in a few different areas.

You’ll be given instructions for home to maximize the treatment, and you’re free to leave.

The entire visit will be an hour or less.

Do I have any restrictions afterward?

Again, this is an outpatient visit and you can resume most normal activities immediately. We do recommend you avoid intense or heavy workouts for 2 days after the procedure to reduce irritation to the injection site. Also, we recommend you abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 days to prevent any potential infection to the injection sites.

Can I get the P-Shot while on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

Absolutely! The P-Shot is actually a good adjunct and complementary procedure to TRT.

What are the side effects?

You may experience minor side effects at the injection site that usually remedy within 4-5 days that can include:

  • Redness

  • Bruises

  • Swelling

Complications that are seen rarely include:

  • Cold sore outbreak

  • Scarring

  • Infections

How soon will I receive results?

This is based on several factors. Some men notice results immediately, within one day. Others notice results within 3-5 treatments, that can span over 1-2 months. Some require multiple treatments, seeing results within 3-4 months.

The results are variable, but many have seen marked results with this treatment. We discuss individual expected outcomes during our consultation.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you at 877.721.0047

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